Privacy Policy of

This Application collects some Personal Data of its Users.

Owner and Data Processing Manager

Data Protection Officer (DPO): Fabrizio Brunelli – – ​​

Types of data collected

Among the types of Personal Data collected by this application, the application itself or through third parties, are: Name, Surname, Email Address, Telephone Number, Address, Country, Province, City, Cookies, Usage Data and Password.

Other personal data collected may be described in other sections of this Privacy Policy or by the dedicated explanation text contextually with the Data collection. Personal data may be freely provided by the user or collected automatically when using this application. Any use of Cookies – or other tracking tools – by this application or by the owners of third party services used by this application, unless otherwise indicated, serves to identify users and store their preferences for the sole purpose of providing the requested service by the user. Failure to provide certain personal data may make it impossible for this application to provide its services. Users are responsible for any third party personal data obtained, published or shared through this application and confirm that they have the consent of third parties to provide the data to the owner.

Mode and place of data processing

Processing methods

The data controller processes the user data correctly and adopting adequate security measures to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, modification or unauthorized destruction of the data. The data processing is carried out using computers and / or authorized tools, organizational procedures and methods strictly related to the purposes indicated. In addition to the data controller, in some cases the data may be accessible to certain appointed subjects involved with the correct functioning of the site (administration, sales, marketing, legal, system administration) or external subjects (such as third party technical service providers, couriers postal services, hosting providers, IT companies, communication agencies) appointed, if necessary, as data processors by the owner. The updated list of these subjects can be requested from the Data Controller at any time.


The Data is processed at the Data Controller’s operational headquarters and in other places where the parties involved with the processing are located. For more information, please contact the Data Controller.

Data retention period

The data is kept for the time necessary to provide the service requested by the user, or stated by the purposes described in this document but the user can always make a request to the data controller to suspend or remove the data.

The use of collected data

The user data is collected to allow the owner to provide their services, as well as for the following purposes: payment management, contact management and sending messages, interaction with external social networks and platforms, analytical data, optimization traffic and distribution, registration and authentication, viewing content from external platforms and contacting the user.

The personal data used for each purpose are described in the specific sections of this document.

Detailed information on the processing of personal data

Personal data is collected for the following purposes and for the following services:


The services contained in this section allow the owner to monitor and analyze web traffic and can be used to track user behavior.

Google Analytics (Google)

Google Analytics is a web analysis service provided by Google Inc (“Google”). Google uses the data collected to track and examine the use of this application, to create reports on its activities and share them with other Google services. Google may use the data collected to contextualize and personalize the advertisements of its own advertising network. Personal data collected: Cookies and Usage Data. Place of processing: United States – Privacy Policy – Opt Out

Viewing content from external platforms

This type of service allows the user to view content hosted on external platforms directly from the pages of this application and interact with them. This type of service may collect web traffic data for the pages in which the service is installed, even when users do not use the aforementioned pages.

Google Maps (Google)

Google Maps is a map viewing service provided by Google Inc., which allows this application to incorporate content on its pages such as: Personal Data collected: Cookies and Usage Data. Place of processing: United States – Privacy Policy

Youtube (Google)

Youtube is a video viewing service provided by Google Inc. which allows this application to incorporate content of this type on its pages. Personal data collected: Cookies and Usage Data. Place of processing: United States – Privacy Policy

Interaction with external social networks and platforms

This type of service allows interaction with social networks or other external platforms directly from the pages of this application. The interaction and information obtained through this application are always subject to the User’s privacy settings for each social network. This type of service may collect traffic data relating to the pages where the service is installed, even when users do not use the aforementioned pages.


Social widgets are interaction services with the Facebook social network provided by Facebook, Inc. Personal data collected: Cookies and Usage data. Place of processing: United States – Privacy Policy

Registration and Authentication

By registering or authenticating, users allow this application to identify them and give them access to dedicated services. Depending on what is described below, third parties may provide registration and authentication services. In this case, this application will be able to access some data, stored by these third party services for registration or identification purposes.

Contact with the User

Mailing list or newsletter (this application)

By registering on the website, the user’s e-mail address is added to the contact list of those who can receive e-mail messages containing information of an informative or promotional nature regarding this application. Your e-mail address is automatically entered in the “Mailchimp” platform following registration with this Application. Personal data collected: e-mail address.

Contact form (this application)

By filling out the contact form with the user’s data, the user authorizes this application to use this data to respond to requests for information, prices or any other type of request as indicated in the form. Personal data collected: name, email address, telephone number.

Managing contacts and sending messages

This type of service allows is for the purpose of managing a database of e-mail contacts, telephone contacts or other contact information to communicate with the user. These services may also collect data regarding the date and time when the message was viewed by the user, as well as when the user interacted with it, for example by clicking on the link included in the message. MailChimp (Rocket Science Group, LLC) MailChimp is an email address management and message relaying service provided by The Rocket Science Group, LLC. Personal data collected: e-mail address. Place of processing: United States – Privacy Policy

Traffic distribution and optimization

This type of service allows this application to distribute its contents using servers located in different countries and to optimize their performance. Which personal data is processed depends on the characteristics and the way in which these services are implemented. Their function is to filter communications between the application and the user’s browser. Considering the diverse locations of this system, it is difficult to determine the locations from which content that may contain the user’s personal information is transferred.


Cloudflare offers CDN (Content Delivery Network) services, internet security services and distributed DNS services, which acts as a reverse proxy server for websites. Place of processing: United States – Privacy Policy

Further information on Data collection and Processing

Legal action

The user’s personal data may be used for legal purposes by the owner, in court or in the stages leading to any legal action resulting from improper use of this application or related services. The user acknowledges that the Data Controller may be required to disclose personal data at the request of public authorities.

Further information on the user’s personal data

In addition to the information contained in this Privacy Policy, this application can provide the user with additional contextual information regarding particular services or the collection and processing of personal data upon request.

System and maintenance logs

For maintenance and operation purposes, this application and any third-party services may collect files that record the interaction with this application (system logs) or the use for this purpose other personal data (such as IP address).

Information not contained in this notice

Further details regarding the collection or processing of personal data can be requested from the Data Controller at any time. (See the contact information at the beginning of this document)

Users’ rights

Users have the right, at any time, to know if their personal data has been stored and can consult the Data Controller to know the content and origin, verify its accuracy or request it to be integrated, canceled, updated or corrected, or for its transformation into anonymous form or to block data processed in violation of the law, as well as to oppose its processing for legitimate reasons. Requests should be addressed to the Data Controller indicated in the contact information above. This application does not support “Do Not Track” requests. To determine if third party services allow “Do Not Track” requests, please read their Privacy Policy.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

The owner reserves the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy at any time by notifying its users on this page. It is advisable to check this page often, with reference to the date of the last modification listed below. If a user refuses the changes to this information, he must cease using this application and may request that the owner remove the personal data. Unless otherwise indicated, the then current Privacy Policy applies to the processing of users’ personal data which the Data Controller has.

Definitions and legal references

Personal Data

All information relating to a natural person, legal person, entity or association, which is, or can be identified, even indirectly, by reference to any other information, including a personal identification number.

Usage data

Information collected automatically by this application (or third-party services used in this application), which may include: the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by the users who use this application, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) ​​addresses, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file received in response, the numeric code indicating the status of the server response (success, error, etc.), the country of origin, the characteristics of the browser and the operating system used by the user, the various details for each visit (for example, the time spent on each page within the application) and the details on the path followed within the application with particular reference to sequence of pages visited, and other parameters relating to the system and / or operating environment of the devices used.


The individual using this application, which must coincide with, or be authorized by the person concerned, to whom the personal data refers.

Object of the Data

The natural or legal person to whom the personal data refers.

The Data Controller (or guarantor) of the data

The natural person, legal person, public administration or any other body, association or organization authorized by the Data Controller to process personal data in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Data Controller (or Owner)

The natural person, legal person, public administration or any other body, association or organization which is responsible, even jointly with another Data Controller, for decisions regarding the purposes, methods of processing personal data and the tools used, including security measures regarding the operation and use of this application. The Data Controller, unless otherwise specified, is the owner of this application.

This application

The hardware or software tool, with which the user’s personal data are collected.


Use of cookies

Our website uses technical cookies to make your services simple and efficient. Like almost all websites, we use small data files (cookies), which are saved on your computer, tablet, or other mobile device (collectively referred to as a “device”) to record certain data each time you acces or interact with our site. Through this information we intend to provide you with some information on the technologies adopted and how they are used on our website and in our services. To help you better understand the rules and use of these technologies, some terms and their definitions are listed below.

What are Cookies

Cookies are small text files (usually made up of letters and numbers) that are saved in the browser or device memory when you visit a site or view a message. Cookies allow a website to recognize a particular device or browser. There are different types of cookies: temporary (or session): these are used to store temporary information, allow you to link your actions during that specific session and are removed from the computer when the browser is closed; permanent (or saved): these are used to store information such, as the login name and password, in order to avoid the user having to re-enter them each time they visit a specific site; they remain stored on the computer even after closing the browser; first party: these derive from the website displayed and can be permanent or temporary, they can be used to store information that will be reused at the next visit to the site; third-party: derived from advertisements from other sites, such as pop-ups or advertising banners present on the website displayed; they can be used to record the use of the website for marketing purposes.

Technical Cookies

Technical cookies (temporary or permanent) allow you to keep the session open on a website or store user preferences. They are essential to the functioning of the modern web, without them the online services we take for granted could not exist. They are useful for ensuring the functioning of the services (such as sending contact emails and / or subscribing to the newsletter and / or registering on the site, accessing the videos and other content present in the multimedia section of the site itself, the search for an element present on the same site using the dedicated bar, etc.) and allow you to improve performance. These technologies allow you to store important information in your browser or device and then to use it later to identify you on servers or internal systems. Cookies can be disabled or removed using the tools available in most browsers. Cookie preferences must be set separately for each browser used, as each of them offers specific features and options. You can block, delete or deactivate them if your device allows it. You can manage cookies and cookie preferences in your device or browser settings.

Consent to the use of cookies

At the first access to our site, you will find a banner containing the brief information on the use of cookies. If you do not wish to accept the use of technical cookies, you can disable them as indicated above; in this case it may not be possible to exploit certain functions, services, apps or tools of the website. The site may ask you to re-enter your password several times during the same session.

Legal information

Notice to European users: this privacy statement has been prepared in fulfillment of the obligations established by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 27 April 2016, on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free circulation of such data. This Privacy Policy refers exclusively to this Application.

Last Updated: 02/24/2022

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